If you are seeking answers to common Star Wars questions, then you have come to the right place here at StarWars-fans.com. The Star Wars universe is a vast universe of stories dating thousands of years from the High Republic to the Resistance and the defeat of the First Order. While the majority of the Star Wars stories told through Star Wars movies, animated shows, Disney+ live action shows, Star Wars video games, books, comics and more are centered around a roughly 50 year period from Episode I: The Phantom Menace to Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, Disney continues to expand the Star Wars timeline with more media in different eras. The addition of the High Republic series of books has been somewhat successful with Star Wars die-hards, but the lone pre-prequel show on Disney+, The Acolyte, was met with hard criticism and has not been well received.
With the continued expansion of Star Wars content across the timelines, more and more common questions about Star Wars continue to arise. From questions about the chronological order of Star Wars events to non-Canon pieces of information about LEGO Star Wars sets, video games and characters, Star Wars Legends characters and more, we will try to list many of the more common Star Wars questions below as we continue to expand our site to better serve you, the reader. Star Wars Fans is here to assist those with questions about Star Wars movies, books, comics and more as we all continue to learn about this ever-expanding Star Wars universe.
Common Star Wars Questions
- What do ABY and BBY mean in Star Wars?
- What are the best Star Wars video games of all-time?
- What are the biggest LEGO Star Wars sets?