Cham Syndulla was a Twi’lek revolutionary leader from Ryloth who played a crucial role in the fight for his planet’s freedom across multiple conflicts, from the Clone Wars to the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was a fierce and determined warrior, known for his deep commitment to Ryloth’s independence and his complex relationships with both allies and family members, including his daughter, Hera Syndulla.
Early Life and Role in the Clone Wars
Cham Syndulla rose to prominence as the leader of the Twi’lek Resistance during the Clone Wars. When the Separatist Alliance occupied Ryloth, Cham led the fight against their forces, working alongside Jedi such as Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite his distrust of the Galactic Republic, he allied with them to liberate his homeworld from the Separatists.
One of his political rivals during this period was Orn Free Taa, a corrupt Twi’lek senator who was more aligned with the Republic’s interests than Ryloth’s independence. Cham viewed Orn Free Taa as a self-serving politician who prioritized his own power over the well-being of the Twi’lek people. This rivalry continued even after the Clone Wars, as Cham remained dedicated to true freedom, while Orn Free Taa remained a loyal servant of the Empire.
Opposition to the Galactic Empire
After the rise of the Empire, Ryloth fell under Imperial control, with Orn Free Taa collaborating with Emperor Palpatine and allowing the Empire to establish a stronghold on the planet. Cham Syndulla once again took up arms, leading the Free Ryloth Movement to resist Imperial rule. His group conducted guerrilla warfare against Imperial forces, attempting to drive them off Ryloth.
During this period, his relationship with his daughter, Hera Syndulla, became strained. While Cham was focused solely on liberating Ryloth, Hera grew to see the larger galactic struggle against the Empire as just as important. She eventually left Ryloth and became a key figure in the Rebel Alliance, commanding the Ghost crew. Despite their differences, Cham and Hera reunited on multiple occasions and ultimately fought side by side against the Empire.
In Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Cham became a direct target of Imperial oppression when he was framed for an assassination attempt on Orn Free Taa. He and his wife, Eleni Syndulla, resisted Imperial occupation, but Eleni was tragically executed, deepening Cham’s hatred for the Empire.
Relationship with Chopper
C1-10P (“Chopper”), Hera’s loyal astromech droid, was originally found during the Clone Wars when his Y-wing crashed on Ryloth. Hera salvaged and repaired Chopper, and he became a close companion to her in her later Rebel efforts. While Cham never formed a deep bond with Chopper, the droid was indirectly a product of Ryloth’s struggles and a key ally to Hera, helping to continue the fight against tyranny.
Later Years and Legacy
Cham Syndulla’s ultimate fate remains unclear, but his resistance efforts were instrumental in keeping the spirit of rebellion alive on Ryloth. His daughter, Hera, carried on his legacy, becoming a renowned Rebel leader and later a general in the New Republic. Though they had ideological differences, both Cham and Hera shared a deep love for Ryloth and fought in their own ways to free the galaxy from oppression.
Cham Syndulla remains one of the most significant figures in Twi’lek history, embodying the fight for freedom from one oppressive force after another, whether it was the Separatists, the Republic’s corruption, or the Empire itself.