Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker begins with Kylo Ren discovering that “somehow Palpatine returned” as Emperor Palpatine is alive and hiding on the dark planet Exegol. It is the 9th and final installment into the canon Star Wars timeline order of movies and was the third Star Wars movie created by Disney. Palpatine reveals he has been manipulating events from the shadows, including creating Snoke as a puppet leader. He offers Kylo a massive fleet called the Final Order to destroy the Resistance, but Kylo must first kill Rey.
Meanwhile, Rey is continuing her Jedi training under General Leia Organa. When the Resistance learns of Palpatine’s return, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and BB-8 embark on a quest to find a Sith wayfinder, which will lead them to Exegol. Their journey takes them to Pasaana, where they discover an old Sith dagger inscribed with the location of the wayfinder. However, they are ambushed by the First Order, and Kylo Ren confronts Rey, revealing more about her past.
The heroes escape to Kijimi, where a droidsmith helps extract the Sith language from C-3PO’s memory, leading them to Endor’s moon. However, during a raid on their ship, Chewbacca is captured, and Rey believes he has been killed when a transport explodes. Overcome with emotion, Rey accidentally uses Force lightning, hinting at a dark lineage. They later discover that Chewbacca is still alive and plan a rescue mission.
On Endor’s moon, Rey locates the Sith wayfinder inside the wreckage of the second Death Star but is confronted by a vision of her dark self. Kylo Ren arrives, destroys the wayfinder, and engages Rey in an intense lightsaber duel. Meanwhile, Leia, sensing the battle, uses her last strength to reach Kylo through the Force, distracting him. This allows Rey to stab Kylo, but she immediately heals him using the Force. Realizing Leia’s death, Kylo is deeply shaken, and Rey flees in despair.
Rey takes Kylo’s ship and retreats to Ahch-To, planning to exile herself like Luke did. However, Luke Skywalker’s Force ghost appears and encourages her to face her destiny, revealing Leia always knew Rey was Palpatine’s granddaughter. He gives her Leia’s lightsaber and lifts his old X-wing from the ocean, allowing Rey to fly to Exegol. She transmits the path to Exegol to the Resistance, inspiring them to launch a final assault.
Kylo Ren, now redeemed as Ben Solo, discards his dark persona and rushes to help Rey. On Exegol, Rey confronts Palpatine, who urges her to strike him down so his spirit can possess her and make her the new Sith Empress. Meanwhile, Ben arrives and helps Rey fight Palpatine’s Sith cultists, but they are both overpowered.
Palpatine, sensing their strong Force connection, drains their life energy, rejuvenating himself. As the Resistance fleet arrives, Lando Calrissian leads reinforcements from across the galaxy to aid in the battle. Palpatine unleashes a powerful Force storm, crippling the Resistance fleet. However, Rey, hearing the voices of past Jedi—including Luke, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin—finds the strength to resist.
Using both Luke’s and Leia’s lightsabers, Rey deflects Palpatine’s lightning back at him, destroying him once and for all. The effort kills Rey, but Ben, now fully embracing the light, uses the Force to revive her. They share a moment of joy before Ben sacrifices himself, disappearing into the Force like a true Jedi. The Resistance defeats the Final Order, and peace is restored across the galaxy.
Back on Tatooine, Rey buries Luke and Leia’s lightsabers in the sand near the Lars homestead. When asked for her name, she proudly declares herself “Rey Skywalker”, honoring her mentors and choosing her own path. The film ends with Rey gazing at the twin suns, symbolizing a new hope and the end of the Skywalker saga.