Welcome to the Best Mods for Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios article, the latest in my series of “best mods in SWGoH” articles which put my old site on the radar of the community and with EA Capital Games. Over the years I have written literally hundreds of mod guides, including almost all of the original best mods guides over at Gaming-fans.com. Now that my days with Gaming Fans are behind me, I am working to keep the same kind of content going as I resume the “best mods” series today with the Best Mods for Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios.
A member of the Phoenix Squadron from Star Wars Rebels, Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios was a member of the Lasast Honor Guard and survived to see his people nearly wiped out by the Empire. He joined the Phoenix Squadron with Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren and Chopper as they found Ezra Bridger at the beginning of the Star Wars Rebels series. In Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, Zeb has been mostly irrelevant in the game for years until the release of General Syndulla in late 2024, who has a leadership that benefits her Spectre allies and makes callouts to Garazeb Orrelios specifically. In the game Zeb is a Light Side Tank, Rebel and member of the Phoenix faction. Let’s take a moment to look at how mods can make Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios the best version of himself in Galaxy of Heroes.
Note that I have been told that I can get a bit long-winded when writing these mod guides. As a result, if you simply want the TL;DR on how to mod Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, it is below.
Main Mod Stats to focus on…
One of three older characters who have been revived to an extent, Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios joins Spectre members Chopper and Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) as having the most impact from General Syndulla’s leader ability. In re-reviewing Zeb for this article I was surprised to find that he is a Tank, assuming he was a Support character before. He has the ability to land several debuffs, including Stagger, Daze and Expose, so boosting his Potency will be valuable. Given his role as a Tank, I would not sacrifice other key stats for added Offense or CD as Garazeb Orrelios typically does not hit very hard unless you are in Phase 4 of the RotE Territory Battle. When it comes to survivability, you want to load Zeb up with Health. He gains bonus Max Protection equal to 40% of his Max Health and grants himself and a target ally 50% Protection Up, a stat that is based on the character’s Max Health. Overall, how to mod Zeb is not very different than years ago when I wrote the initial best mods for Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios in SWGoH article in 2018, but with the addition of General Syndulla and her Unauthorized Mission unique, Zeb gains +25% Defense. So adding survivability Defense will make Zeb more effective. The Perfect Defense buff from General Syndulla adds another +200% Defense making Defense a bigger emphasis alongside the Health needs mentioned above. In addition, it is worth noting that General Syndulla also can manipulate Turn Meter which then grants a random Spectre ally with Defense Up and Tenacity Up.
Which Mod Sets to use & Dev Recommendations
As a Tank character, Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios and Chopper seem to be messing with us in SWGoH as I always expected Chopper was the Tank and Zeb the Support. With General Syndulla in the game, and the Perfect Defense buff it requires another look for both characters and how to mod them as both are now candidates for multiple Defense sets. While the current dev recommendations are Critical Damage and Health, I feel that these are outdated and not the best route for those using Garazeb under a General Syndulla lead. As a result, here is what I am recommending for the best mods for the droid support Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios:
- Transmitter (Square) – The Transmitter mod always has a primary focus on offense. For Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios, you want to use a HEALTH mod here and be sure to closely look at the secondary stats to ensure that you get a heavy secondary focus on speed, defense, health and protection or potency.
- Receiver (Arrow) – The Receiver mod can have a primary focus on several stats including speed, critical avoidance, accuracy, health, protection, defense and offense. For Zeb, you want to use a HEALTH mod here with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on defense, health, potency and tenacity.
- Processor (Diamond) – The Processor is always going to have a primary focus on defense. For Zeb, you want to use a DEFENSE mod here with a secondary focus on speed, potency, health and protection or tenacity.
- Holo-Array (Triangle) – The Holo-Array is a very specialized mod that can have a primary focus on critical chance, critical damage, health, protection, offense and defense. For Zeb Orrelios, you want to use a DEFENSE mod here with a primary focus on Health or Defense and a secondary focus on speed, defense, health and potency.
- Data-Bus (Circle) – The Data-bus mod always has a primary focus on either health or protection, so use an HEALTH mod with a Health primary as Garazeb Orrelios benefits more from a higher Health stat. The secondary focus stats should be speed, defense, potency and protection or tenacity.
- Multiplexer (Plus) – The Multiplexer (plus or cross) mod can have a primary focus on potency, tenacity, health, protection, defense offense. For Zeb, you want to use a HEALTH mod here with a Defense or Health focus, making sure to have your mod sets complete. For the secondary stats, look to add speed, defense, health and potency.
Best Mods for Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios TL;DR
- Square – Health mod with speed & defense
- Arrow – Health mod, Speed focus with defense, health & potency
- Diamond – Defense mod with speed & health
- Triangle – Defense mod, Defense focus with speed, health & potency
- Circle – Health mod, Health focus with speed, defense & potency
- Plus – Health mod, Health focus with speed, health & potency