Welcome to the Best Mods for Chopper article, the latest in my series of “best mods in SWGoH” articles which put my old site on the radar of the community and with EA Capital Games. Over the years I have written literally hundreds of mod guides, including almost all of the original best mods guides over at Gaming-fans.com. Now that my days with Gaming Fans are behind me, I am working to keep the same kind of content going as I resume the “best mods” series today with the Best Mods for Chopper.
A member of the Phoenix Squadron from Star Wars Rebels, astromech droid C1-10P is better known as Chopper. He was owned by the Phoenix leader Hera Syndulla and is a Clone Wars era C1 astromech who appears briefly in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and was in Season 1 of the Ahsoka series. In Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, Chopper is a Light Side Support Droid who is a member of the Rebel and Phoenix factions and now the Spectre faction too. We will now review how to best use mods to enhance this “cantankerous clanker” in SWGoH.
Note that I have been told that I can get a bit long-winded when writing these mod guides. As a result, if you simply want the TL;DR on how to mod Chopper, it is below.
Main Mod Stats to focus on…
Chopper is a Support character and fills this role nicely on both the Phoenix team, and now the Spectre team as well. He was rumored to join the new Spectre faction and it was made official in early December 2024 along with Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum), adding a character who can taunt to the team, but also adding a bit of deja vu for long-time SWGoH players. Once upon a time, Chopper was one of 6 Phoenix members who had one more character than there were spots for, and now he is in a similar situation with the Spectres as one of seven in the new faction.
As for stats to focus on, Chopper is a taunting Support character, so you want to focus on survivability. How to mod him is not very different than years ago when I wrote the initial best mods for Chopper in SWGoH article in 2018, but with the addition of General Syndulla and her Unauthorized Mission unique, taunting Spectre allies or Garazeb Orrelios +25% Defense. So adding survivability starts of Defense, Health and Protection will make the entire team more effective, despite his rather mediocre base stats for each. The Perfect Defense buff from General Syndulla adds another +200% Defense making Defense a bigger emphasis for Chopper if used on this team with any regularity and when Perfect Defense expires, as a Support character, Chopper will gain Speed Up. Health should get a nice boost from mods as he recovers 15% Health at the start of his turn, and Protection Up (based on Max Health) when damaged by an attack. In addition, it is worth noting that General Syndulla also can manipulate Turn Meter which then grants a random Spectre ally with Defense Up and Tenacity Up.
Which Mod Sets to use & Dev Recommendations
As a Support character, Chopper has a nice synergy with his Spectre allies. Add the General Syndulla abilities that enhance taunting characters and the Perfect Defense stat increases and Chopper is now a great candidate for multiple Defense sets. While the current dev recommendations are Speed and Defense, I am leaning toward changing that to a Health set and two Defense sets with high Speed and Health/Protection from the secondary stats. As a result, here is what I am recommending for the best mods for the droid support Chopper:
- Transmitter (Square) – The Transmitter mod always has a primary focus on offense. For Chopper, you want to use a DEFENSE mod here and be sure to closely look at the secondary stats to ensure that you get a heavy secondary focus on speed, defense, health and protection or tenacity.
- Receiver (Arrow) – The Receiver mod can have a primary focus on several stats including speed, critical avoidance, accuracy, health, protection, defense and offense. For Chopper, you want to use a HEALTH mod here with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on defense, health, protection and tenacity.
- Processor (Diamond) – The Processor is always going to have a primary focus on defense. For Chopper, you want to use a DEFENSE mod here with a secondary focus on speed, defense, health and protection or tenacity.
- Holo-Array (Triangle) – The Holo-Array is a very specialized mod that can have a primary focus on critical chance, critical damage, health, protection, offense and defense. For Chopper, you want to use a HEALTH mod here with a primary focus on Defense and a secondary focus on speed, defense, health and protection or tenacity.
- Data-Bus (Circle) – The Data-bus mod always has a primary focus on either health or protection, so use an DEFENSE mod with a Health or Protection primary as Chopper benefits significantly from both stats. The secondary focus stats should be speed, defense, health and protection or tenacity.
- Multiplexer (Plus) – The Multiplexer (plus or cross) mod can have a primary focus on potency, tenacity, health, protection, defense offense. For Chopper, you want to use a DEFENSE mod here with a Defense, Health or Protection focus, making sure to have your mod sets complete. For the secondary stats, look to add speed, defense, health and protection or tenacity.
Best Mods for Chopper TL;DR
- Square – Defense mod with speed & defense
- Arrow – Health mod, Speed focus with defense, health & protection
- Diamond – Defense mod with speed & health
- Triangle – Health mod, Defense focus with speed & protection
- Circle – Defense mod, Protection focus with speed & defense
- Plus – Defense mod, Defense focus with speed, health & protection