Welcome to the Best Mods for Huyang article, the latest in my series of “best mods in SWGoH” articles which put my old site on the radar of the community and with EA Capital Games. Over the years I have written literally hundreds of mod guides, including almost all of the original best mods guides over at Gaming-fans.com. Now that my days with Gaming Fans are behind me, I am working to keep the same kind of content going as I resume the “best mods” series today with the Best Mods for Huyang.
While Huyang is not a well-known character to casual Star Wars fans, the Mark IV architect droid professor has made a few appearances in Star Wars canon, most notably in the Ahsoka series’ first season. In Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, this marquee character was added in mid-November 2024 and is a Light Side Attacker, Droid and a member of the Spectre faction which will be led by Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano. Let’s take a look at how mods will best enhance Huyang to help his Spectre and droid teammates in SWGoH.
Note that I have been told that I can get a bit long-winded when writing these mod guides. As a result, if you simply want the TL;DR on how to mod Huyang, it is below.
Main Mod Stats to focus on…
Huyang is an Attacker, and Attackers are almost always in need of Speed to be effective. The early testing of Huyang shows that he will benefit nicely from high Speed, but I would recommend getting it from the secondary stats, not from a Speed set. While he has a solid base Speed of 177, the suggested Offense set (below) feels like a better fit. Huyang does have a rather average 6,861 Physical Damage stat, but with extra attacks and an Offense set this should be effective. Added Critical Chance will be needed to boost his solid Physical CC and a Critical Damage-focused triangle is a must. Potency is always needed for getting debuffs to stick, and Huyang has a base Potency of just 46%, so you’re going to need to up this stat through modding. Boosting Huyang’s survivability will be necessary as well, but until we have the Galactic Legend Ahsoka‘s leader ability it is hard to say which stat to focus most heavily on as all of his survivability stats – health, protection & armor (defense) – are quite average.
Which Mod Sets to use & Dev Recommendations for Huyang:
Huyang is an Attacker and should have a nice synergy with his Spectre allies. The developers and I rarely disagree on new characters and how to best mod them, and their recommendations are Offense and Critical Chance, and I see no reason to disagree at this point. Thus, here is what I am recommending for the best mods for the droid attacker Huyang:
- Transmitter (Square) – The Transmitter mod always has a primary focus on offense. For Huyang, you want to use a OFFENSE mod here and be sure to closely look at the secondary stats to ensure that you get a heavy secondary focus on speed, offense, potency/critical chance or health/protection/defense.
- Receiver (Arrow) – The Receiver mod can have a primary focus on several stats including speed, critical avoidance, accuracy, health, protection, defense and offense. For Huyang, you want to use a OFFENSE mod here with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on offense, critical chance, potency and health/protection/defense.
- Processor (Diamond) – The Processor is always going to have a primary focus on defense. For Huyang, you want to use a CRITICAL CHANCE mod here with a secondary focus on speed, offense, potency/critical chance or health/protection/defense.
- Holo-Array (Triangle) – The Holo-Array is a very specialized mod that can have a primary focus on critical chance, critical damage, health, protection, offense and defense. For Huyang, you want to use a CRITICAL CHANCE mod here with a primary focus on Critical Damage and a secondary focus on speed, offense, potency/critical chance or health/protection/defense.
- Data-Bus (Circle) – The Data-bus mod always has a primary focus on either health or protection, so use an OFFENSE mod with a Protection primary since you get more from a Protection primary. The secondary focus stats should be speed, offense, potency/critical chance or health/protection/defense.
- Multiplexer (Plus) – The Multiplexer (plus or cross) mod can have a primary focus on potency, tenacity, health, protection, defense offense. For Huyang, you want to use a OFFENSE mod here with an Offense or Potency focus, making sure to have your mod sets complete. For the secondary stats, look to add speed, offense, potency/critical chance or health/protection/defense.
Huyang Mods TL;DR
- Square – Offense mod with speed & offense
- Arrow – Offense mod, Speed focus with offense, CC & potency
- Diamond – CC mod with speed & offense
- Triangle – CC mod, Critical Damage focus with speed & CC
- Circle – Offense mod, Protection focus with speed & potency
- Plus – Offense mod, Offense or Potency focus with speed, offense & CC