During my time at Gaming-fans.com I started the “best mods” series of articles which turned out to be what put the site on the radar of the community and with EA Capital Games. While I enjoyed our brief time with a communicative Capital Games consistently working with myself and the other SWGoH GameChangers, there was an inability to support that level of community engagement from within CG, so I became just another member of the community, only with a bit more of a public voice. Now that my days with Gaming-fans.com are behind me, I am working to keep the same kind of content going as I resume with the best SWGoH mods of 2024 series today with a much more recent version of the Best Mods for Wampa.
Forever the lone creature in Galaxy of Heroes, the Wampa is apparently inherently evil as it somehow is a member of the Dark Side even though he has been joined by the Light Side Bad Batch member Batcher. While he only appeared in The Empire Strikes Back, odds are, if introduced today, the Wampa would be a Neutral character, but given the use of Datacrons I am happy that it has a designation. The Wampa is not a character that has a lot of use in SWGoH, in fact, outside of the Grand Arena Championships, it is rather useless. But in the GAC the Wampa is a literal beast when used by himself as his Omicron boosts his stats tremendously. Unless you are high up in the Kyber 1 standings, the Wampa can have some very good use on your roster in the GAC. Let’s take a look at what kind of mods and stat gains we want to achieve to make the Wampa the beast he should be in SWGoH in 2024.
Main Mod Stats to focus on…
I always talk about Speed and the original article from Gaming-fans.com talking about the Wampa’s best mods ranked Speed at the top of the areas of focus. But it is 2024 and the power creep of this game is real. The stats today are higher than ever and even with the Omicron, the Wampa needs three stats more than the rest – Offense, Tenacity and Potency. Yes, I have double-digit speed secondary stats on every mod on my Wampa, but when it comes to my fastest mods he is nowhere close. At a base Speed of 147, I have only enhanced him to 245 Speed personally and when used correctly, he is extremely effective.
Looking at the Wampa’s base stats, his Physical Damage is not crazy high, but his unique does give him +50% Offense when he has Protection Up. He also gains +5% Offense for each Damage Over Time debuff, and when used by himself he gains another 75% Offense. I personally recommend a set of Offense mods to really ensure he is hitting hard, but keeping him from being debuffed will allow the +50% Counter Chance to kick in and this is very important. While the Wampa does get +100% Tenacity from the Omicron and +50% Tenacity when he has Protection Up, I recommend at least 80% Tenacity to keep him clean in battle. Given he starts at a base 50% Tenacity, this should not be too hard and a Tenacity plus/cross mod is not a requirement. From here, added Potency to make his debuffs stick, CC/CD to help the hits hit harder and survivability are all a plus.
Note that every other Datacron season I look to have one lower-level, Wampa-specific Datacron with a focus on Tenacity, Potency and some form of survivability (Deflection, Health, Defense, etc.) just to make sure my Wampa is even more effective.
Which Mod Sets to use & Dev Recommendations
The developers did not give mod recommendations until the game was several years old, then they went through their entire lineup of 150+ characters and made mod recommendations. When that happened, due to the mass number of characters they had to review, they got sloppy (in my opinion). I will follow that by saying I think almost every new character added in SWGoH since that time has been much, much better and I rarely disagree with the mod recommendations now, due in large part to the fact that they can give these new characters individualized attention.
For Wampa, the dev recommendations are Offense and Critical Chance, and I feel this is short-sighted with SWGoH in 2024. Many of the teams you want the Wampa to try and solo in the GAC are debuff-heavy and while that Tenacity is boosted nicely by the Omicron, I feel a Tenacity or Health set is a better option over a CC set. As a result, here is what I am recommending for the best mods for the native of Hoth, the Wampa:
- Transmitter (Square) – The Transmitter mod always has a primary focus on offense. For Wampa you want to use a OFFENSE mod here and be sure to closely look at the secondary stats to ensure that you get a heavy secondary focus on tenacity, offense, potency and health, defense or critical chance.
- Receiver (Arrow) – The Receiver mod can have a primary focus on several stats including speed, critical avoidance, accuracy, health, protection, defense and offense. For Wampa, you want to use a OFFENSE mod here with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on potency, health, offense and tenacity.
- Processor (Diamond) – The Processor is always going to have a primary focus on defense. For Wampa, you want to use a TENACITY mod here with a secondary focus on speed, tenacity, potency and critical chance or offense.
- Holo-Array (Triangle) – The Holo-Array is a very specialized mod that can have a primary focus on critical chance, critical damage, health, protection, offense and defense. For Wampa, you want to use a OFFENSE mod here with a primary focus on offense or critical damage and a secondary focus on speed, potency, tenacity and health.
- Data-Bus (Circle) – The Data-bus mod always has a primary focus on either health or protection, and Wampa benefits more from a high Health stat, so use a OFFENSE mod with a Health primary. The secondary focus stats should be speed, tenacity, offense and potency, health or critical chance.
- Multiplexer (Plus) – The Multiplexer (plus or cross) mod can have a primary focus on potency, tenacity, health, protection, defense offense. For Wampa, you want to use a TENACITY mod here with an Offense or Potency focus, making sure to have your mod sets complete. For the secondary stats, if you have the Offense primary look to add speed, health, potency and tenacity. If you have the Potency primary instead look to add speed, health, tenacity and offense.