During my time at Gaming-fans.com I started the “best mods” series of articles which turned out to be what put the site on the radar of the community and with EA Capital Games. While I enjoyed our brief time with a communicative Capital Games consistently working myself and the other SWGoH GameChangers, there was an inability to support that level of community engagement from within CG, so I became just another member of the community, only with a bit more of a public voice. Now that my days with Gaming-fans.com are behind me, I will seek to keep the same kind of content going as I resume the “best mods in SWGoH” series today with the Best Mods for Darth Bane.
The prize of Conquests 37-39, Darth Bane is seen as a lifter unit for Sith Eternal Emperor who has bonuses in his kit for having just one other ally. While he is a Star Wars Legends character who does not appear in any media on the Star Wars timeline, his value in SWGoH cannot be argued. In addition, he helps speed up the Ultimate Charge for such allies, making him a perfect fit alongside SEE, but his leadership also allows for some interesting counters in the GAC and Territory Wars. Darth Bane is a Dark Side, Attacker and Sith who has a Leader ability and he was first playable in early March 2024. Let’s take a look at how we want to focus the mod stat gains for Darth Bane in Galaxy of Heroes.
Note that I have learned that I get a bit wordy in these Best Mods articles, so as a result the TL;DR on mods for Darth Bane is below.
Main Mod Stats to focus on…
The main stats that you want to enhance with Darth Bane are his Speed, Health, Potency, Defense and all three offensive stats – Offense, Critical Chance and Critical Damage.
Darth Bane will siphon Health from enemies and has a special that deals damage based on his Max Health. The siphon of Max Health actually takes away Max Health from the enemy and grants him additional health, thus meaning he will hit even harder as a result of this, so from the beginning my thoughts were either 3 sets of Health mods and then focus on the secondary stats from there, or go with a blend of Offense and Health mods. Speed, always relevant in these mod reviews, is again important, but certainly not his main area of focus given he has a base speed of just 140. Now this can be enhanced greatly from his Leader ability and specific parameters there, but the Rule of Two unique is where his Speed can get really interesting. Darth Bane gains 5 Speed at the beginning of each enemy’s turn, up to a max of +100 speed, thus making his base 140 Speed seem not so bad after all…
Along with Speed and Health, how you use Darth Bane may determine how you focus some of your mods. I have used him alongside Sith Eternal Emperor to maximize Grand Arena banners and wreck opposing players’ team, but have also found value in pairing him up with one other Sith while using Darth Bane as a leader for specific counters against the Gungans, Queen Amidala and more. If you have any plans to use Darth Bane as a Leader there really is no different modding strategy, but when used with only SEE, through the Rule of Two unique, Darth Bane gains +350% Defense and speeds up the Ultimate Charge while also greatly enhancing several other stats. Finally, you cannot ignore the offensive potential of Darth Bane as he has the 7th highest base Physical Damage in the game, hits twice with his Malevolent Whirlwind AoE special (which also dispels enemy buffs), gains additional Offense in battle and has a solid Armor Penetration stat.
Which Mod Sets to use & Dev Recommendations for Darth Bane
I really struggled on this character as my initial plan was all-in on Health mods. But a closer look at his kit had me thinking an Offense or Critical Damage set of 4 mods and a Health set of 2 mods. The in-game dev recommendations are CD and Health which complicates things a bit, and most of the Top 1000 Kyber competitors in the GAC are using all Health mods. This one is up to how you use Darth Bane in your gameplay and your preference, but here are my recommendations for the best mods for Darth Bane:
- Transmitter (Square) – The Transmitter mod always has a primary focus on offense. For Darth Bane, you want to use a HEALTH or OFFENSE/CD mod here and be sure to closely look at the secondary stats to ensure that you get a heavy secondary focus on health and offense, then add speed, CC, potency, defense.
- Receiver (Arrow) – The Receiver mod can have a primary focus on several stats including speed, critical avoidance, accuracy, health, protection, defense and offense. For Darth Bane, you want to use a HEALTH mod here with a primary focus on speed and a secondary focus on health and offense, but also look to add defense, potency or critical chance OR you can go with a HEALTH mod with a primary focus on Health and a high speed secondary plus offense, potency and critical chance.
- Processor (Diamond) – The Processor is always going to have a primary focus on defense. For Darth Bane, you want to use a HEALTH or OFFENSE/CD mod here with a secondary focus on health, offense and speed and try to add CC, potency or defense.
- Holo-Array (Triangle) – The Holo-Array is a very specialized mod that can have a primary focus on critical chance, critical damage, health, protection, offense and defense. For Darth Bane, you want to use a HEALTH or OFFENSE/CD mod here with a primary focus on Offense or Critical Damage and a secondary focus on speed and health, then try to add CC, potency or offense.
- Data-Bus (Circle) – The Data-bus mod always has a primary focus on either health or protection, and with Darth Bane it is an easy choice – HEALTH mod with a health primary. The secondary focus stats should be offense and speed and then defense, potency or critical chance.
- Multiplexer (Plus) – The Multiplexer (plus or cross) mod can have a primary focus on potency, tenacity, health, protection, defense offense. For Darth Bane, you want to use a HEALTH or OFFENSE/CD mod here, making sure to have your mod sets complete. For the secondary stats, after getting any health of offense possible, look to add speed, CC, potency, defense.
Darth Bane Mods TL;DR
- Square – Health mod with speed, health & offense
- Arrow – Health mod, Speed or Health focus with health & offense
- Diamond – Health mod with speed & health
- Triangle – Health mod, Health focus with speed & offense
- Circle – Health mod, Health focus with speed & offense
- Plus – Health mod, Health focus with speed & offense
Updated April 30, 2024 by LJ