The battle against the Sith continues in the latest installment of the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. The sequel to the extremely popular Jedi: Fallen Order game, it will be released on April 28, 2023, on the Xbox Series X/S, Playstation 5, and Windows.
Survivor takes place in the year 9 BBY, about 5 years after what happened in Star Wars Jedi, Fallen Order. In the timeline, the Jedi series of games come between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope on the Star Wars canon timeline, looking at a time of desperation where the Empire had seemed to be in control.
Cal Kestis’ latest adventure will bring him out into the galaxy once again, fighting Sith and droids once again. If one thing is clear, it’s that Cal will have to try his hardest to stay ahead of the pursuing the Dark Side of the Force, all the while dealing with the pressure of being one of the only remaining Jedi in the entire galaxy.
In the two trailers we have been given, we see many new additions, such as rideable mounts and the Kylo Ren style lightsaber. They also showed some more exciting things, like how it seems they’ve added more combat versatility, freshened parkour, and an unknown pale-skinned, long haired person that we see Cal free from a Bacta tank. It is likely that new secrets will be discovered that were hidden well in the trailers. Overall, these new additions may be very exciting, and the latest Star Wars installment looks to be a very promising one.
For more on the Jedi Survivor game from the developers, check it out at
By Mason S. & Nathan J. Guest Writers